Friday, May 15, 2009

My National Therapeutic Debut

Every time I tell someone that I'm going to be the College Hill South Beach group therapist, they tell me that I've "got my work cut out for me." Well, in my professional opinion, these co-eds are not different from any other group of college students that I've worked with. They are different but that difference is what makes the house a lively place to live. After talking to them, I learned that they are even more "normal" than they appear each week on the show.

Now, what would be unfortunate is that the producers of the show don't seize the moment. What I mean is that our time together was magical. We were one group. My hope is that the shot-callers at BET will recognize the need to show a balanced view of these students. Well, we'll see in a few days. Let me know what you think.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Yes, it's unfortunate, but the wrong kind of drama sell "darling." One thing we all know is that there are many positive images of people of color yet to be displayed on both the small and big screen Our brother Tyler Perry has shown us all that people of color can dig wholesome TV and film.Thanks for sharing you thoughts with me.

  3. dr. nixon..unfortunately the producers will never show a balanced view of the students because then there wouldn't be drama which would mean no ratings for the network. sadly, our society is captivated by the drama some of these reality shows demonstrate. it's sad because as a minority, i would like to see minorities, especially those going to school and making something of their life to be presented in a more balanced manner. keep up the good work and keep reppin' for us therapists! :0)

  4. Sorry, Dayana's Mommie, I accidentally deleted your comment trying to edit my own. So, I copied it and place it right above this one.

